瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学 (ETH Zürich) 博士
瑞士迪士尼研究院 (Disney Research) 联合培养博士
瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学 (ETH Zürich) 硕士
东南大学自动化学院 学士
CCF人机交互专委会委员,中国网络图形学专委会委员,中国自动化学会计算社会与社会智能专委会委员,江苏省网络空间安全学会会员,CCF YOCSEF南京AC委员,南京欧美同学会会员
网络空间安全学院博士生导师 / 硕士生导师,常年在南京校区及无锡校区招收硕士研究生和博士研究生,欢迎对以上相关方向感兴趣的研究生、本科科研实践生联系!
曾在新加坡未来城市实验室(Future Cities Laboratory)、日本东京迪士尼和美国加州迪士尼研究院进行学术访问,近五年共发表论文20余篇,获4项专利,任多个人机交互、认知科学、虚拟现实、公共空间安全等研究领域的国际期刊会议审稿人,包括CHI、CSCW、International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction、Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds、ACM Motion in Games、IEEE AIVR、IEEE ITS、Safety Science、Swarm Intelligence、IEEE Journal of Automatica等。
International Conference on 3D Web Technology 会议最佳论文
Li Y, Wu W, Zhao H, Shi Y, Lyu Y. IEEE, 2025. Recovering Crowd Trajectories in Invisible Area of Camera Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2025, PP: 1–19.
Zhang R, Liu B, Cao J, Zhao H, Sun X, Liu Y, Sun X. Elsevier B.V., 2024. Modeling group-level public sentiment in social networks through topic and role enhancement[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024, 305: 112594.
Zhao H, Liang Z, Ma T, Shi X, Kapadia M, Thrash T, Hoelscher C, Jia J, Liu B, Cao J. Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Enhanced Decision-Making of Evacuation Guidance Robots in Intelligent Fire Scenarios[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2024: 1–17.
Aguilar L, Gath-Morad M, Grübel J, Ermatinger J, Zhao H, Wehrli S, Sumner R W, Zhang C, Helbing D, Hölscher C. Experiments as Code and its application to VR studies in human-building interaction[J]. Scientific Reports, 2024, 14(1): 9883.
Zhao H, Guo T, Tong W, Yin H, Liu Z. IEEE, 2023. PaCS: A Parallel Computation Framework for Field-Based Crowd Simulation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
Zhao H, Frese L, Venzin C, Kaszás D, Weibel R P, Hölscher C, Schinazi V R, Thrash T. Elsevier, 2023. The time course of spatial knowledge acquisition for different digital navigation aids[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2023, 103: 101992.
Li P, Wang S, Zhao H, Yu J, Hu L, Yin H, Liu Z. IEEE, 2023. IG-Net: An Interaction Graph Network Model for Metro Passenger Flow Forecasting[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
Zhao H, Thrash T, Schlafli F, Kapadia M, Aguilar L, Helbing D, Holscher C. Taylor & Francis, 2022. Collective Intelligence during Emergency Egress: The Mechanisms Underlying Altruistic Information Exchange[J]. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2022: 1–17.
Wang W, Zhao H, Jia J. Lightweight Collision Detection Algorithm in Web3D Robot Simulation Platform[C]//2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW). , 2022: 75–80.
Li K, Zhao H, Zhang Q, Jia J. CEBOW: A Cloud-Edge-Browser Online Web3D approach for visualizing large BIM scenes[J]. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2022: e2039.
Zhao H, Schwabe A, Schläfli F, Thrash T, Aguilar L, Dubey R K, Karjalainen J, Hölscher C, Helbing D, Schinazi V R, Dubey K. R, Joonas K, Hölscher C, Helbing D, Schinazi V R. Fire evacuation supported by centralized and decentralized visual guidance systems[J]. Safety Science, 2021, 145: 105451.
Zhao H, Thrash T, Kapadia M, Wolff K, Holscher C, Helbing D, Schinazi V R. Assessing crowd management strategies for the 2010 Love Parade disaster using computer simulations and virtual reality[J]. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2020, 17(167): 20200116.
Zhao H, Thrash T, Wehrli S, Hölscher C, Kapadia M, Grübel J, Weibel R P, Schinazi V R. A networked desktop virtual reality setup for decision science and navigation experiments with multiple participants[J]. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 2018(138): e58155.
Weibel R P, Grübel J, Zhao H, Thrash T, Meloni D, Hölscher C, Schinazi V R. Virtual reality experiments with physiological measures[J]. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 2018(138): e58318.
Zhao H, Thrash T, Grossrieder A, Kapadia M, Moussaid M, Hölscher C, Schinazi V R. The interaction between map complexity and crowd movement on navigation decisions in virtual reality[J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2020, 7(3): 191523.
Liu X, He C, Zhao H, Jia J, Liu C. ExteriorTag: automatic semantic annotation of BIM building exterior via voxel index analysis[J]. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2021, 41(3): 48–58.
Liu X, He C, Zhao H, Jia J, Liu C. Building information modeling indoor path planning: A lightweight approach for complex BIM building[J]. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2021, 32(3–4): e2014.
Li K, Zhang Q, Zhao H, Jia J. User Interests Driven Collaborative Cloud-Edge-Browser Architecture for WebBIM Visualization[C]//The 25th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. , 2020: 1–10.
Piao X, Li Y, Xie K, Zhao H, Jia J. Towards Web3D-based Lightweight Crowd Evacuation Simulation[C]//The 25th International Conference on 3D Web Technology. , 2020: 1–9.