个人主页:DBLP: https://dblp.org/pid/62/1662-2.html
2014 - 2021,东南大学,网络空间安全工学博士
2018 - 2020,加拿大维多利亚大学,联合培养博士
2008 - 2012,东南大学,计算机科学与技术工学学士
审稿人:AAAI 2021、ICML 2021、ICML 2022、NIPS 2021、IEEE TKDE
关键词:Mobile Crowdsourcing Applications (MCA),移动众包应用;Online Bipartite Matching (OBM),在线二分匹配;Online Resource Allocation (ORA),在线资源分配;Online Learning (OL),在线学习;Privacy-Preserving(PP),隐私保护
“互联网基础行为测量与分析 “,国家重点研发计划,2019-2022
“非合作无线车载自组织网络中路由关键技术的研究“ ,江苏省自然科学基金,2015-2018
Yifan Xu, Pan Xu, Jianping Pan, Jun Tao. A Unified Model for the Two-stage Offline-then-Online Resource Allocation. In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’20), 2020: 4206-4212. (CCF-A)
Yifan Xu, Pan Xu. Trading the System Efficiency for the Income Equality of Drivers in Rideshare. In: Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’20), 2020: 4199-4205. (CCF-A)
Anik Pramanik, Pan Xu, Yifan Xu*. Equity Promotion in Public Transportation. In: Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2023. (共同一作, Author names are listed alphabetically, CCF-A)
Pan Xu, Yifan Xu*. Equity Promotion in Online Resource Allocation. In: Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2022. (共同一作, Author names are listed alphabetically, CCF-A)
Will Ma, Pan Xu, Yifan Xu*. Fairness Maximization among Offline Agents in Online-Matching Markets. In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), 2021. (共同一作, Author names are listed alphabetically, CCF-A)
Zhiming Huang, Yifan Xu, Jianping Pan. TSOR: Thompson Sampling-based Opportunistic Routing. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, 2021. (CCF-B)
Yang Gao, Jun Tao, Yifan Xu, Zuyan Wang, Weice Sun, Guang Cheng. CEBD: Contact-Evidence-Driven Blackhole Detection Based on Machine Learning in OppNets. In: IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 8 (2021): 1344-1356.
Yifan Xu, Guanghui Wang, Jun Tao, Jianping Pan. Efficient Task Assignment for Crowd-Powered Rebalancing in Bike Sharing Systems. In: Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC’19), 2019: 232-237.
Guanghui Wang, Yifan Xu, Fei Tong, Jianping Pan, Subin Shen. Modeling and Analyzing Single Anchor Localization for Internet of Things. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2019: 1-6. (CCF-C)
Yang Gao, Jun Tao, Yifan Xu, Haotian Wu, Noah Kwaku Baah. Collaborative Route Plan for Parking Sites Selection in Bike-Sharing Systems. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) 2018: 814-819. (CCF-C)
Yifan Xu, Jun Tao, Yang Gao, Li Zeng. Location-aware Worker Selection for Mobile Opportunistic Crowdsensing in VANETs. In: Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom’17), 2017: 1-6. (CCF-C)
Jun Tao, Tianqi Zhai, Haotian Wu, Yifan Xu, Yongqiang Dong. A quality- enhancing coverage scheme for camera sensor networks. In: Proceedings of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2017: 8458-8463.
Jun Tao, Yifan Xu, Chengwei Tan, Xiaoxiao Wang. Location-aware Opportunistic Forwarding in Mobile Opportunistic Networks. In: Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2015), Louisiana, New Orleans, USA, March 2015, pp.1865-1870. (CCF-C)
Jun Tao, Ziyi Zhang, Fuqin Feng, Jian He, Yifan Xu. Non-cooperative Resource Allocation Scheme for Data Access in VANET Cloud Environment. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD) 2015: 190-196.
Jun Tao, Chengwei Tan, Ziyi Zhang, Jian He, Yifan Xu. Opportunistic Forwarding based on the weighted social characteristics in MSNs. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2015: 6318-6323. (CCF-C)