博士(电子与通信) 法国雷恩国立应用科学学院,2015
硕士/工程师 (通信工程) 法国波尔多综合理工学院,2011
学士(物理化学) 法国里昂马丁中学工程师学院预备班,2008
国家重点研发计划课题《自主式交通系统超视距全息感知与信息传输共享技术》,2022/12-2026/11, 参与。
国家自然科学基金青年项目《面向弱安全无线环境的物理层密钥生成技术》, 2021/01-2023/12,主持。
江苏省自然科学基金青年项目《面向弱安全无线信道的物理层密钥生成技术》, 2020/07-2023/06,主持。
东南大学基本科研业务费资助项目 《无线通信系统多天线信道密钥生成方法研究》,2019/01-2019/12,主持。
加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会科研基金《Testbed for RF signal identification and positioning based on antenna arrays and software-defined radio》,2017/06-2018/06,参与。
[17] H. Fu, Y. Sun, L. Peng and M. Liu, Channel-Resilient RF Fingerprint Identification Based on Nonlinear Features with Memory Effect, in IEEE Communications Letters, early access.
[16] H. Fu, H. Dong, J. Yin and L. Peng, Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification for 5G Mobile Devices Using DCTF and Deep Learning. Entropy 2024, 26, 38.
[15] H. Fu, X. Zhang and L. Peng, Performance Analysis of Artificial Noise-Assisted Location-Based Beamforming in Rician Wiretap Channels. Entropy 2023, 25, 1626.
[14] H. Fu, L. Peng, M. Liu and A. Hu, Deep Learning-Based RF Fingerprint Identification With Channel Effects Mitigation, in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 4, pp. 1668-1681, 2023.
[13] H. Fu, S. Roy and L. Peng, Asymptotic Performance Analysis of MMSE Receivers in Multicell MU-MIMO Systems, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 9174-9189, Sept. 2021.
[12] H. Fu, M. Crussiere, and M. Helard, ``Applying Nakagami distribution for BER analysis of equal gain transmission in MU-MIMO systems,'' International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 138, 2021.
[11] Y. Jiang, H. Fu, A. Hu, and W. Sun, A LoRa-Based Lightweight Secure Access Enhancement System, Security and Communication Networks 2021, 3530509.
[10] Chen, Z., Peng, L., Hu, A., Fu, H., ``Generative adversarial network-based rogue device identification using differential constellation trace figure,'' J Wireless Com Network 2021, 72 (2021).
[9] 袁瑞,彭林宁,李古月,付华,不同环境下无线信道密钥生成性能研究,《密码学报》2020, 7(2): 261–273.
[8] H. Fu, S. Roy, ``Asymptotic BER Analysis of MMSE Receivers in Multicell MU-MIMO Systems,'' in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019), Shanghai, China, May 2019.
[7] H. Fu, S. Roy, and J. Cheng, ``Applying Hankel's expansion for performance analysis in double-Nakagami (generalized-K) fading channels,'' IEEE Transactions on Communications,vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 4893-4906,Oct. 2018.
[6] W. Abid, S. Roy, M. L. Ammari and H. Fu, Two-Layer Linear Processing for Uplink Massive MIMO Systems in the Presence of Co-Channel Interferers, in Proc. International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2018), pp. 1-6, Limassol, Cyprus, Oct. 2018,.
[5] H. Fu, S. Roy, and J. Cheng, ``An accurate simple approximation to the double-Nakagami (generalized-K) fading channels,'' in Proc. International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2018), pp. 468-474, Maui, HI, USA, Mar. 2018.
[4] M. Crussiere, H. Fu, and M. Helard, ``Time reversal based beamforming for wireless communications: a theoretical analysis from moderate-scale to large-scale antenna systems,'' invited paper in Proc. International Conference on Communication and Networks (COMNET 2015), Ahmedabad, India, Dec. 2015.
[3] H. Fu, M. Crussiere, and M. Helard, ``BER analysis for equal gain transmission in downlink multiuser MIMO system,'' IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 533-536, Oct. 2015.
[2] H. Fu, M. Crussiere, and M. Helard, ``Partial channel overlay in moderate-scale MIMO systems using WH precoded OFDM,'' in Proc. 21st International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT 2014), pp. 16-21, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2014.
[1] H. Fu, M. Crussiere, and M. Helard, ``Spectral efficiency optimization in overlapping channels using TR-MISO systems,'' in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), pp. 3770-3775, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.