学术报告:Resilience and Mixed Criticality: Concepts, Applications, and Research Challenges in 6G Use Cases


主题:Resilience and Mixed Criticality: Concepts, Applications, and Research Challenges in 6G Use Cases                 

报告人:Prof. Aydin Sezgin


时间:13:00 —14:00



邀请人:Dr. Guyue Li



The future sixth generation (6G) of communication systems is envisioned to provide numerous applications in safety-critical contexts, e.g., driverless traffic, industrial control systems, and smart cities, which require outstanding performance, yet providing a high level of safety towards operating staff, environment, and machinery, thus requiring high reliability, fault tolerance, and autonomy. Hereby, resilience combines detection, decision-making, adaption to, and recovery from unforeseeable or malicious events in an autonomous manner. Enabling the consideration of functionalities with different criticalities, mixed criticality allows prioritizing safety-relevant over uncritical functions. Consolidating these mechanisms and preserving functional safety requirements under limited resources is a major challenge of 6G communication systems. Specifically, the synchronization of digital twins, e.g, synchronizing the physical and cyber twin of an autonomous real-time decision-making system, and bridging the physical and the digital world via the metaverse pose promising use-cases for resilience and mixed-criticality. Recent advances in these domains include highly autonomous rate-splitting-enabled physical layer resource management algorithms, the inclusion of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS), and the consideration of data significance, freshness, and relevance perspectives. This talk seeks to convey the vision of mixed criticality-aware resilience as a crucial factor towards reliable and performant 6G-empowered use-cases, such as digital twins and metaverses, as well as identifying potentials and future research directions.


报告人Aydin Sezgin博士毕业于柏林工程应用技术大学,现任德国波鸿鲁尔大学电气工程和信息技术系教授。主要研究方向为信号处理、通信和信息理论、无线网络等,并且在这些专题领域发表了多篇著作章节、40多种期刊论文和140多篇会议论文, 包括发表在IEEE Transactions on CommunicationsProceedings of the IEEEIEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsSymposium on Security and PrivacyIEEE Transactions on Information Theory等相关领域的高水平论文,并获得多个会议的最佳论文奖,如the Best Poster Award at the IEEE Communication Theory Workshop in 2011,  the Best Paper Award at ICCSPA in 2015,  the Best Paper Award at ICC in 2019。报告人是2006年ITG赞助奖(ITG-Sponsorship Award)的获得者、2009年德国通信工程研究基金会颁发的著名的艾美-诺特奖(Emmy-Noether Grant)的第一位获得者。2009年至2014年,担任IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications的副主编。