学术报告:Privacy Preservation in Data Life Cycle


Title: Privacy Preservation in Data Life Cycle                        


Speaker: Dr. Zhikun Zhang (张治坤博士)

            (Visiting Assistant Professor, Stanford University;)


Date:  27 Jun 2023 (Tuesday)

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Room: 无线谷A6202会议室

Inviter:Dr. Fei Tong




Data is of paramount importance in today's digital age. However, the collection and utilization of data also raise significant privacy concerns. In this talk, I will discuss the data privacy preservation issues through the lens of data life cycle, which consists of data collection, data publication, data analysis, and data consumption phases. Concretely, I will first introduce the privacy preservation issues in all phases of the data life cycle, including privacy preservation in the data collection and data publication phase, privacy risk assessment of machine learning systems used in the data analysis phase, and the technical implementation of privacy-related laws in the data consumption phase. I will then briefly introduce my current research in all these topics.



Zhikun Zhang is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University and Research Group Leader at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Germany. Prior to that, He was a postdoctoral researcher at CISPA and received his Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University. He was also a visiting scholar at Purdue University. His research interest concentrates on private computation, differential privacy, and machine learning security & privacy. Zhikun has published more than 30 related papers in top-tier conferences and journals, including 19 CCF-A papers and 14 big four security conference papers. He received the nomination award for outstanding doctoral thesis of Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Province. He serves as the program committee member of multiple top-tier conferences, including CCS, NDSS, KDD, PoPETs, and ICLR. More information is available at his personal website http://zhangzhk.com/.




For further information, please contact Prof Fei Tong at ftong@seu.edu.cn.