学术报告:Security-Aware and Disaster-Resilient Optical Network Planning


Abstract: In this talk, we will present our two recent work in optical transport networks (OTNs). In the first work, we study how to realize Cost-effective and security-aware multilayer planning in a packet-over-optical network that covers both trusted and untrusted zones, in consideration of OTN encryption. As for the second work, we then investigate the disaster-resilient service provisioning problem in optical Inter-Datacenter networks, leveraging cooperative storage system (CSS) and multi-path routing. The two studied problems can be formulated as combinatorial optimization problems, which are NP-hard. To solve them efficiently, both integer linear program (ILP) models and time-efficient heuristics are proposed.


会议时间:2021/06/11 16:00-17:15 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京

ID607 874 821




Bio.: Fen Zhou is a Full Professor at IMT Lille Douai, Institut Mines-Télécom, France. Prior to that, he was an Associate Professor at the LIA lab of the Avignon University (France) from 2012 to 2018 and then at Institut Superieur d'Electronique de Paris (ISEP) until 08/2020. He obtained the HDR from Avignon University in 2018 and his PhD from INSA of Rennes in 2010.In the past ten years, he has cordinated or co-cordinated several research projets in the national or international levels, such as PHC Cai Yuanpei, Campus France Eiffel Scholarship, Science Sans Frontiers, Campus France Profas B+, PACA Regional project, LIA lab project, Open project of Shanghai Jiaotong University. He has also been involed in the European FP7 CNG project, Zewall project, Vaucluse @muse project.

Dr. Zhou is a Senior Member of IEEE. He has served as a TPC Co-chair, Symposium Co-chair, Publicity Co-chairs, Local Organization Chair, and Session Chair in several International Conferences (IEEE BMSB20, IEEE ICNC18, IEEE WCSP14, IEEE Wimob15/19, NetgCOOP16, IEEE MovNet17, IEEE Globecom13, IEEE Mascots19 ect.). He has also served on the program committees for several international conferences such as IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ONDM, and IEEE IWCMC. From Sept. 2016, he is awarded the French Research Bonus (PEDR) for a period of four years.