学术报告:From Quantization to Matching: Secret key Generation over Wireless Channel with COTS Devices




  会议ID674 556 763


讲座内容:Securing wireless communication remains challenging in dynamic mobile environments due to the shared nature of wireless medium and lacking of fixed key management infrastructures. Using physical layer information of radio channel to generate keys secretly among wireless devices has become a promising alternative in the past two decades. Due to the channel reciprocity property, it allows any two wireless devices within transmission range of each other to extract a shared symmetric cryptographic key without requiring a fixed infrastructure or a secure communication channel. To facilitate secret key generation over wireless channel, both Received Signal Strength (RSS) and Channel State Information (CSI) gain much attention due to their readily availability in commercial off-the-shelf wireless devices. Most of existing work rely on quantization technique to convert RSS or CSI measurements into digital binaries as secret keys. However, non-simultaneous packet exchanges in time division duplex systems and noise effects in practice usually create random channel measurements with large discrepancy between two users, leading to inconsistent quantization results and mismatched secret bits. This talk will introduce Dr. Liu’s research work on secret key generation over wireless channel with COTS devices evolved from the mechanism based on quantization to that based on holistic matching, and also point out some open issues in this research field.


刘鸿博(教授,博士生导师),***********(青年项目)引进人才,自20201月加入电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院(网络空间安全学院),研究方向包括无线感知与移动计算,网络空间安全与隐私保护等。在此之前曾任美国印第安纳大学-普渡大学印第安纳波利斯分校(IUPUI)计算机和信息技术系副教授。2013年在美国史蒂文斯理工学院电气与计算机工程系获得博士学位,师从现美国罗格斯大学Yingying Chen教授(IEEE 会士)。刘鸿博教授共发表期刊文章和相关会议论文60余篇,包括ACM MobiComACM MobiSys, IEEE TMCIEEE INFOCOM等,并获得ACM MobiCom 2011IEEE CNS 2018最佳论文奖,参与出版Springer 专著1部,获批美国专利1项,相关研究曾获得两项美国国家科学基金资助,并担任多个国际会议程序委员会委员和国际顶级期刊评委。