学术报告:Police Aware In-band Network Telemetry for SDN Fault Localization.





AbstractIntelligent Fault localization for SDN becomes oneof the most critical but difficult tasks. In this talk, I introduceanapproach called Policy-Aware In-band Network Telemetry(PAINT) to tackle SDN fault localization. In the PAINT system,network operators define and deploy network services using ahigh-level ServiceProvisioning Language (SPL). Then, PAINT canautomatically parse the service policy to infer the causal relationshipbetween service related network components and end-to-end service-level observable symptoms. Based on the causality model, PAINT deploys monitoring instruments for the symptoms.PAINT utilizes a dynamically created Symptom-Fault-Telemetrymodel to incorporate In-band Network Telemetry (INT) actionssystematically into the fault reasoning process to improve theefficiency and accuracy of fault localization for SDN. PAINT hasbeenevaluated in a simulation environment for its accuracy and scalability with very positive results.

报告人简历:Yongning Tang isa professor,the headof network engineering program and thegraduate director in the school ofinformation technology at Illinois State University.His primary research areas arefault diagnosis in modern networkedsystems andartificalintelligence onnetworkoperations.